April 19, 2010

Blender tutorial Bolt Factory

article:aside from a few objects that existed at the existing blender 3d monkey (Suzanne)Script blender on there to object bolts, which can be found on the script in a blender ..choose a script on the window type icon green snake (python), select the wizard at the top and select Bolt Factory are some options that we can determine the form of bolts choose what we want.

e-book&pdf blender3d download

here is a tutorial in the form of ebooks and pdf files which can be downloaded for free Hope you can help them to further deepen hopefully useful blender3d

Blender Nebula Tutorial

Tony Mullen - Introducing Character Animation with Blender

April 18, 2010

Blender3d tutorial web link


Tutorials for Blender 3D: UV Mapping, Reflective Surfaces, A Simple Winter Scene, SubSurf Modelling Tutorial, Blender & Yafray HDRI. - Hits: 3526
Blender 3D tutorials

Tutorials for Blender 3D: Make a hole in a subsurf, Roll a subsurf edge and have it all round, batch process your images, subdivide or subsurf to see textures, make parts of an object transparent, Make your first animation, uvmapping, and more. - Hits: 3101
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

Wikibooks - This book is a tutorial to the free, open source Blender 3D graphics modeling and rendering software. - Hits: 3064
Blender Cafe

News, Tutorials for Blender 3D, Articles, Stuff, Gallery, Links, and more. - Hits: 2055
Blender Hotkeys

Blender Hotkeys - Hits: 1583

Blender is the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Check the official site for documentation, resources, and help. - Hits: 2612
Blenderart magazine

Blenderart magazine is a community based bi-monthly PDF magazine featuring all new up-to-date tutorials, news, and articles on Blender 3D and related Open Source CG tools and is freely available to download. - Hits: 2299

This projects goal is to develope free lessons and/or tutorials in PDF format for the 3D modeling tool Blender 3D. The idea is to write step-by-step courses which cover various Blender related topics in peoples native languages. All the BlenderCourses are written in the same style and layout in order to make consistent and recognisable ebooks. - Hits: 79

Tutorials for Blender 3D: Creating a Heart in 10 Steps, The Blender Sequence Editor, Creating a logo, Creating a Dolphin, A ride in the Mines, creating a dice, Cutting through steel, Hi-Tech Corridor, The cave of Torsan A. - Hits: 2960

Great tutorials (pdf) for Blender 3D: New Ocean Techniques in Blender, Cloud Creation in Blender, Surface Tension on Water, Transitional Wipes, Simple Flag Creation in Blender, Creating Dense Smoke in Blender, Creating Nebula & star-clusters in Blender, Animated Procedural Textures in Blender, Creating Animated Seascapes in Blender. - Hits: 3115
Daniel Sefton

Beginner and intermediate tutorials for Blender 3D. - Hits: 2569

Blender video tutorials in the following categories: Modeling, Animation, Simulation, Materials, Lighting, Compositing/ Rendering, Building Blender, Blender Tips, Blender Files. - Hits: 103
Greybeard`s Blender Tutorials

Free video tutorials for Blender 3D. - Hits: 2456

All former Blendermania tutorials and some more. - Hits: 2297
OTO the cleaner

Tutorials for Blender 3D: Character animation for beginers, Colour Power, Game character modeling, Game level design, car modeling. - Hits: 3374
Pagoda Productions

Blender tutorials: Blender beginning tutorial part 1 to 8, rigging and skinning, animation. - Hits: 370

Nearly 3 hours of video walking through of the process of using Blender 3D to create low poly terrain models for games that support the creation and input of user made content. - Hits: 2178
Raive Studios

Tutorials for Blender3D: Create a Software Box, Create an Abstract Image, Parenting, Creating Windows, Creating Wheels, Reflections, Creating A Toon Car, Creating Wires. - Hits: 2692
Scattered Pixel

Blender lessons: Hotkey reference, looking around in Blender, info on blender. Also commercial modeling lessons for Blender. - Hits: 69

Blender Human Head Projection Texturing Tutorial

Blender Tutorials Human Head Projection texturing can be downloaded here pdf file

April 16, 2010

translate language automatic

Certainly a lot of us are experiencing difficulties while spinning around in the internet and read an interesting article but in a language that less can we understand. for that I will share to you, by automatically translate languages and easy to just copy the script and we put element in the add on blogger so we can help others reading our articles, scripts can be downloaded here

April 15, 2010

Blender3d Magazine

ISSUE 26: Blender & Gaming
ISSUE 25: Winter Wonderland and all free download here

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April 13, 2010

tutorial complete

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Bone Shape"Blender tutorial"

Blender tutor "Bone Shape"

This is a tutorial that I want to share to make you want to know about bone
, And more like the blender 3d program.

OK we start it: open the jar program for a character and give
also his bone. "according to desire." bone shape is useful as a control for
easier and more orderly in the mobilization of animation.
we try to use the curve -> Bezier circle-> button on the window
visible 3D curve and surface select, click
put in the middle of the curve that we want to shape bone.
"Nah for ease we will use the python script that we can
open the script panel: the script can be downloaded here

if we run the script then the script will change to
an application that allows you to duplicate curva .. are we going to-
it as a shape, first we make sure curva first mesh
because if not then the curve will not appear when we make a shape

click the bone that we wish to shape.
pose mode select the bone and the Window button <"armature bones">
in order to understand visible BO: Bone BG: none OB :....... on part-
OB was curva we fill the name of which we created earlier example:
circle.jika curve we have the content then we click on the letter "w" next to the OB.
then the bone will be turned into a circle shape with the object curva.

"Need to know we can use the curva and mesh"